behind the camera.
Have you been feeling awestruck by photography and really wanted to pursue it, but any time you attempted to google simple questions, it just felt like such a daunting craft to learn? Yeah, same.
I promise — every single photographer you admire has felt that exact way in the beginning. From the business & marketing, to that crazy big hunk of machinery with far too many buttons and knobs, photography can definitely be a tricky business to research from scratch. And I know, because I've totally been there! While I did eventually figure it out (over the course of several years), there's so many things I wish I had known in the beginning and so many questions that I wish I could've asked a real human, instead of a search engine. And so, my mentor session was created to help do just that.
I promise — every single photographer you admire has felt that exact way in the beginning. From the business & marketing, to that crazy big hunk of machinery with far too many buttons and knobs, photography can definitely be a tricky business to research from scratch. And I know, because I've totally been there! While I did eventually figure it out (over the course of several years), there's so many things I wish I had known in the beginning and so many questions that I wish I could've asked a real human, instead of a search engine. And so, my mentor session was created to help do just that.
Mentor Session | 500
Have a Zoom call or local coffee date with me for 2+ hours, and bring your notebook! Write down a list of ANY questions for me and we'll cover every single one.
You'll also receive a complete course outline. We'll be going over each section in detail together, and it's also yours to keep! This covers all of my everyday methods pertaining to:
You'll also receive a complete course outline. We'll be going over each section in detail together, and it's also yours to keep! This covers all of my everyday methods pertaining to:
+ complete breakdown of exposure, white balance, and shooting in manual
+ lenses and focusing
+ flash, and when & how to use it
+ natural light and how to utilize it
+ composition
+ editing basics
+ my favorite gear
+ business tips and essentials
+ lenses and focusing
+ flash, and when & how to use it
+ natural light and how to utilize it
+ composition
+ editing basics
+ my favorite gear
+ business tips and essentials
And this goes without saying, but you'll always have me available as a reference point going forward for advice, feedback, you name it, I'm just a message away.
why a mentor session?
Quite frankly, up until recently there have really only been two definite routes to gain a photography education: Taking college courses, or teaching yourself from scratch.
White getting a degree in photography can provide structure and a sense of security, it will also require thousands of dollars and months of your time. On the other hand, researching for yourself is essentially free, but it will also take countless hours, uncertainty in your findings, and endless headaches. But here's what neither college or the internet can provide you with:
... Real life business experience.
The thing is, a college degree will be far from teaching you how to create a successful income in photography, and not a single major photographer I know even has a degree in it (and trust me when I say — you will never come across a situation that will require one). But the other dilemma is, Google can only teach you so much. You can research photography jargon and buy all the "recommended products", but the only resource that can truly give the best advice, is a working photographer who's already made all those mistakes.
The majority of what I learned the most was through trial & error and my own personal blunders, all over the course of several years. However, looking back, there are so many things I wish I had done differently from the beginning; things I wish I didn't buy, things I wish I did buy, and most importantly, questions I wished I could've simply had someone to ask when Google or a college education couldn't save me. The best investment I did make into education? Courses from real photographers whose work I adored.
I'm definitely not going to sit here and say I'm your holy grail for photography — I'm painfully far from it. What I can tell you, is that I've been right where you are. I know what it's like to have a camera and a vision, but not know how to operate said camera, or how to get my work to turn out the way I envisioned it in my head.
That was three years ago. I'm here to press the fast forward button for you, to help you break down the science behind photography and business, so that you can skip ahead to the good part.
White getting a degree in photography can provide structure and a sense of security, it will also require thousands of dollars and months of your time. On the other hand, researching for yourself is essentially free, but it will also take countless hours, uncertainty in your findings, and endless headaches. But here's what neither college or the internet can provide you with:
... Real life business experience.
The thing is, a college degree will be far from teaching you how to create a successful income in photography, and not a single major photographer I know even has a degree in it (and trust me when I say — you will never come across a situation that will require one). But the other dilemma is, Google can only teach you so much. You can research photography jargon and buy all the "recommended products", but the only resource that can truly give the best advice, is a working photographer who's already made all those mistakes.
The majority of what I learned the most was through trial & error and my own personal blunders, all over the course of several years. However, looking back, there are so many things I wish I had done differently from the beginning; things I wish I didn't buy, things I wish I did buy, and most importantly, questions I wished I could've simply had someone to ask when Google or a college education couldn't save me. The best investment I did make into education? Courses from real photographers whose work I adored.
I'm definitely not going to sit here and say I'm your holy grail for photography — I'm painfully far from it. What I can tell you, is that I've been right where you are. I know what it's like to have a camera and a vision, but not know how to operate said camera, or how to get my work to turn out the way I envisioned it in my head.
That was three years ago. I'm here to press the fast forward button for you, to help you break down the science behind photography and business, so that you can skip ahead to the good part.