Hello all! I've finally decided that it might not be a bad idea to keep a blog on this site for all of those who occasionally visit. I have many projects that I'm working on, and many personal projects that I'd like to take on. To stay updated on those, or any of the antics from my illustration world, check in here from time to time and I will try to do the same!
As for the present, I am about to start two new projects that I'm looking forward to. In my Illustration III class we're doing a commission for an imaginary article about phobias. We each were assigned two at random, and boy did I get a combination: fear of bees and fear of Satan. Yikes. I've decided to take a Stephen Gammell approach to it though - the assignment is about fears, why not run with creepiness all the way! So if you suddenly see me posting photos of demonic possessions and festering beehives, I haven't lost my mind. Yet. The other project that I haven't been officially assigned yet is about tarot cards. From what I've been told, we'll have to pick one and redesign it using mixed media. I'm very excited for it, though I can't say I know a lot about tarot cards or which one I'll pick. Assuming I remember, maybe I'll have an answer to post next week.
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Morgan OfsharickJust a little spot where I try to offer helpful tips and insight on how to achieve your best photo session, and also some occasional art discussion as well! Categories