I'm so very excited to start offering macro photography alongside my portraiture! The 85mm Nikon lens I have is absolutely beautiful for portraiture, but one area it always fell short on was macro. It just didn't want to focus on those little details, which was a big problem when it came to my proposal and engagement photography. How was I going to photograph those rings when my lens just didn't want me to get any closer than a couple feet? So after a bit of research, I decided to try out the Tokina 100mm. It's a great price, and the photos I'd seen from other photographers who used it were stunning. I'm happy to say it was a great choice! I no longer have to be at the sole mercy of just my Nikkor 1.4, and I now take this lens alongside me wherever I go. I photograph engagements and surprise proposals all over the New Haven region, as well as Hartford and other areas in Connecticut - now I can capture all the portraiture with my 85mm, and then whip out the Tokina to photograph engagement rings! Not only is this lens great for photographing engagement rings, but it's also great for one of my other hobbies - bugs! One of my biggest dreams growing up was to be able to photograph insects. It never worked out for me very well as a child using a disposable camera, but I was always fascinated when looking at nature magazines and books, wondering how on earth those photographers did it. I'm excited to finally be able to try my hand at it! These are a couple of examples from after the engagement session I shot at the Edgerton Park in New Haven; I definitely need some practice, but not too shabby for my first try (especially considering it was extremely breezy that day, so the flowers were violently swaying as I was trying to photograph them!)
I'm so looking forward to all of the beautiful detail I can capture with this lens. From photographing bugs, to engagement rings, or even close-ups of flowers and food at weddings, I think this lens is definitely going to serve me well!
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Morgan OfsharickJust a little spot where I try to offer helpful tips and insight on how to achieve your best photo session, and also some occasional art discussion as well! Categories